Erin Willson

Hello, I’m Erin! Oh golly where to start, I suffered a lot of what I call “childhood empathy syndrome” I felt everyone's pain; In many ways.

My mother took me to Chiropractors and Kinesiologists from a young age. I seemed to be very sensitive, and suffer chronic back pain, immune issues and tummy pains (all exacerbated by what I see now as anxiety and extreme unhealthy empathy).

This lead to worse conditions later in life. Amenorrhea, Acne, IBS, GORD, and chronic back issues, to name a few. So, my journey as a Nat (Naturopath) started when I realised acting wasn't really what I considered an impactful, secure job choice/life path and I didn't think I was smart enough for Chiropractic’s; so I pursued Naturopathy at university at the wee age of 18.

With undergraduate completion at age 20, I was set to practice whilst managing a family member's health food store. I was thrilled to see my patients get better with the power of plant medicine, flower essences and good quality empathy; which I now channel as ‘healthy compassion’! I then completed a postgraduate degree specialising in Naturopathy and started practicing. I have been in sales representative roles for copious supplement companies, managed health food stores, pharmacy, compounding, and then one of my prized highlights in my career was Lecturing at a Natural medicine college in Melbourne for 2.5 years. I lectured in areas such as Herbal Medicine, Naturopathic principles and philosophy, Nutrition, Counselling, Homeopathy and Iridology. I have been in training and development and have been blessed to work all over the country and NZ running seminars for hundreds of people at a time. More recently I was teaching as a Healthy Harold Educator and absolutely loved delivering health, mindfulness and safety-based programs to children all over Australia.

I am now a Naturopath, Poet/actor, massage therapist and childhood health Educator.

Why do I tell you this? Not to spit a version of my CV No! Just to let you know I come with sound clinical knowledge, evidence-based experience and a sassy style that’s individual to us!!! I am fiercely passionate about health­ – I live it! I'm not perfect! I have an achilles heal for dark choccy, anything crunchy and a glass of red.

I have a primary interest in Emotional health and wellbeing, Paediatric health, Anxiety, PMS, Mood disorders, the phenomenally intricate Microbiome (Gut-Brain link), Herbal Medicine and I am greatly interested in anthroposophical, people-empowering medicine!

Bachelor of Applied Science (Naturopathic Studies)

Graduate Diploma Naturopathy

Cert IV Training and Assessment 

Rob Willson

Hey, my name is Rob, I started this love/obsession with health after experiencing a series of health conditions that lead to a snowball effect; resulting in major dysfunction in my body.

I had an interesting/dysfunctional childhood, experiencing various health conditions along the way. I often had tonsillitis and ear infections which were followed with copious courses of antibiotics thanks to our family GP. I later experienced GUT issues which even further lowered my immunity. I later contracted glandular fever (EBV) in my teenage years which resulted in chronic fatigue syndrome. After high school I worked as an electrician often working 80hr+ weeks, surviving on coffee, cortisol and adrenaline. I mistreated and blatantly abused my body, completely taking it for granted. After a monumental relationship break-up, I decided to travel the world and got an almost deadly case of food poisoning in Vietnam, then a year later got Dengue fever rock climbing in the jungle in Thailand. All of which led to systemic body-wide dysfunction. I started losing my hair—massive handfuls of it—experiencing serious joint pain and inflammation, excessive bloating and maldigestion, high blood pressure, depression and dramatic weight loss. After countless GP and specialist visits—thousands spent on tests and scans—I decided to take my health into my own hands. I dived into podcasts, books, lectures, studies, Reddit forums and any other resources I could get my hands on, constantly integrating and implementing my findings. I later decided to invest in working with an incredible Integrative Nutritionist from America, who unpacked my health history, genetic predisposition, used functional testing to investigate the root cause of my symptoms and identified monumental imbalances in my body. I then implemented dramatic lifestyle, dietary and environmental changes, followed by supplements tailored to my specific genetic needs. Slowly but surely, I noticed restored function and started feeling better. The journey was tough, but I gained invaluable knowledge about the human body, the mind and our emotions. I then decided that I wanted to commit my life to help people who have been on a similar journey to me. I completed a Holistic Lifestyle coaching course through the CHEK institute and decided I wanted to take things further and enroll in a clinical Nutrition degree.

Today, I am a completely different person, I experience abundant daily energy, focus and drive. I am healthier than I have ever been, and I’m constantly learning, evolving and growing. I have committed myself to learn all I can, to enable me to be the best integrative clinical Nutritionist, for people that have struggled as I have. I love all things health and I delve into more than simply macro & micronutrients. I believe the human body is an incredibly intricate, complex and multi-faceted system, requiring a holistic whole-body approach. I specialise in sports Nutrition, Gut health, Detoxification, Nutrigenomics, the intricacy of our endocrine system, Nutraceuticals, biohacking, the mind-body connection and delving into childhood trauma.

I am incredibly blessed to have my clinical wing woman, wifey, best friend and extremely proficient Naturopath by my side for this journey.

Rob specialises in:

  • Lifestyle Coaching

  • Gut health

  • Hormonal health with a particular focus on Men

  • Sports Nutrition

  • Weight management

Holistic Life Coach
Qualified from the CHEK Institute HLC1

Bachelor of Health Science (Nutritional & Dietetic Medicine) 3rd year Student.

Cert IV Training and Assessment

Cert IV Occupation Health & Safety

“I'm the herbal-yin-fairy and Rob is more the clinical-on-the-ground-researcher-yang-man!
-Together we balance.”

— Erin