
Erin works to employ the 6 core Naturopathic Principals as her primary ethos. She adopts a multi-disciplinary approach to health, with a strong emphasis on the emotional well-being of her patients.

Holistic Nutrition

Rob practices evidence-based health coaching, incorporating; diet, lifestyle, nutraceuticals, nutrigenomics, the latest research and appropriate testing to ensure treatments are individualised, to provide you with an achievable and practical plan to reach your health goals and make health your priority!


Holistic Massage works on a physical level by improving circulation and lymphatic drainage aiding the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the body’s cells whilst at the same time eliminating toxins, releasing muscular tension and boosting the immune system.

Pet Health:

Flower Essences are completely natural and work on the emotional body of the animal. Trust us, they are miraculous! They are perfectly safe, free from side effects and are self-adjusting to the needs of the individual furry friends taking them.
Animals respond very well to flower essences & are effective in calming a fretting or anxious pet.

Flower Essence Facial:

Native Australian Bush flower facials are an indulgent way to go in, restore and promote healthy glowing skin. These facials are designed to nourish the skin, promote collagen production, and anti-aging, via the use of facial massage, red light therapy and specialised products, all whilst calming and grounding you, so you can truly relax.


We use Naturopathy treatment for children's overall health, emotional needs, behavioural issues, acute infections, and chronic health concerns.

Home audits:

Are you unsure of where to start when you are making dietary and lifestyle changes?

We offer one-to-one, or one-to-many (your family) visits TO YOUR HOME or via zoom to help educate and empower you to provide a nourishing low-tox environment for your family. We look at what you have in your fridge and pantry, which personal care, and cleaning products you use and help you determine what can stay, what can be swapped, and what needs to GO!

Why? Because we know just how daunting it can be to know where to start.